Installation Process


Ubuntu / Debian

Install the necessary packages using apt-get.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install git python3 python3-flask python3-pexpect python3-yaml python3-requests

Arch Linux

Install the necessary packages using pacman.

$ sudo pacman -Syy
$ sudo pacman -S git python3 python-flask python-pexpect python-yaml python-requests

pip based

If you prefer working with pip based install instead of the above, then you should install

$ pip install --user pexpect pyyaml flask requests google-oauth2 \
                     google-api-python-client google-auth \
                     google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2

For Ubuntu and Debian based system you also need the pip package

$ sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip

Likewise for Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S git python3 python-pip



First one needs to setup webhooks at GitHub. Important things to configure here is the Payload URL, which should point to the server running IBART. The listening port is by default 5000. For Content type one should select application/json. The secret on the GitHub webhooks page is a string that you need to export in your shell before starting IBART (see “Running IBART/Exports”). At the section Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? it is sufficient to select Pull requests.

Personal access token

You need to generate a personal access token for your GitHub account. Note that this is not something unique for an individual git. You can generate the token at the Peronal access token page.

Google cloud console

This is a necessary step to be able to support authentication via Google login.

Create the app

First you need to create a web-application at the Google cloud console.

Create OAuth credentials

Last step is to create the OAuth credentials. Go to and press + CREATE CREDENTIALS, select OAuth client ID. For Application type, select Web application and give it a (any) name.

You need to add Authorised JavaScript origins, which typically is this for development https://localhost:5000 and for real domain it is something like

You also need to add Authorised redirect URIs, which is a list of URL that Google are willing to redirect you to after your Google identity has been authenticated. IBART needs the callback page to be enabled, i.e. for local development, this: https://localhost:5000/callback and for real use, something like this:

Once completed, press save and you should find your new Oauth2 credential under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs. On the right side, press the arrow to download this credential. Save the file for now (there are “download” links/buttons to get the json file), we will use it later on (rename the file to client_secret.json).


Obviously one need to clone IBART also, it doesn’t matter where it is placed.

$ git clone